As the child of two biochemists, Charlie grew up wandering the corridors of the National Institutes of Health. Interning in various labs through high school and college, he grew up in an environment that emphasized the value of exploration and rigorous thought. With this in mind, he opted for a liberal arts undergraduate education even though he planned to pursue a career in architecture.
Charlie has led teams on technically challenging projects such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology PDSI Project, the Gary C. Comer Geochemistry Building at Columbia University and the Harvard Art Museums 32 Quincy Street Expansion and Renovation. Charlie’s strength lies in assembling teams that work collaboratively to solve complex problems.
In addition to his project work, Charlie leads the firm’s Research Initiative with our Building Science Group. In this capacity, he is charged with bringing new ideas and technology to the practice through independent research projects that address both the programmatic and technical performance of buildings.
M.Arch., 1989, Carnegie Mellon University
BS, Civil Engineering with Distinction, 1986, Swarthmore College