After more than 19 months of underground construction of infrastructure distribution and foundations to support the new normal and emergency power equipment for YNHH Lawrence + Memorial Hospital, the design team is ecstatic to share a construction update that reveals the massing of the Emergency Department addition building. The month of August saw a great deal of activity on site related to steel erection, with an excellent job by AZ and the steel crew navigating some tricky existing conditions.

YNHH Lawrence + Memorial Hospital held a steel signing ceremony for the topping off several weeks ago and opened the beam signing to all of their staff to mark an exciting milestone for the hospital – the first new building addition on their New London campus in over twenty years!

The design team is happy with how the massing of the new addition is fitting with the existing hospital. The new Emergency Department entry will have an appropriate presence on Faire Harbour Place while complementing the existing hospital and being respectful of the residential fabric of the neighborhood.
The month of September will be focused on concrete slab pours and the exterior envelope is projected to be weather tight by the end of the year. With a phased renovation of the existing Emergency Department to follow the building addition, we have quite a few years of construction left to go, but we are thrilled to have reached this milestone!