When the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) opened the Biosciences Research Building in early 2014, Ireland’s Taoiseach Enda Kenny commented the building was “where miracles can actually happen.” Then, earlier this fall when the University’s Lambe Institute for Translational Research HRB Clinical Research Facility opened he said, “I think this is a place where miracles will happen. The reason I say that is I talked to the people upstairs both in the engineering end of things married to the clinical end of things. You can see it in their faces. They’re driven.” The opening of this building rounded out the research bundle of buildings PAYETTE designed for the University in partnership with Reddy Architecture and Urbanism.
Later in his remarks Taoiseach Kenny made several observations regarding the marriage between engineering and clinical research evident in the building, suggesting, “… someday … somebody in this building, walking between engineering and clinicians will discover something that’s going to impact millions of people around the world.” Our practice has long focused on technologically and programmatically complex buildings. We can’t wait to see what comes out of NUIG’s new research bundle and the role that work will play on the global stage of technology, healthcare and innovation.
Lambe Institute for Translational Research & HRB Clinical Research Facility
Lambe Institute Official Opening by an Taoiseach Enda Kenny
New Translational Research Building at National University of Ireland, Galway