Energy Modeling and the Whole Building Approach to Energy Efficiency


This was an excellent discussion that highlighted some facets of energy modeling which architects need to be aware of:

1. Types of Energy Model: Some modeling software is most useful for comparing options during design and for meeting LEED or Code requirements. Other types that incorporate data from actual building energy use are better for predicting future energy use. In either case, assumptions must be made about how the building will be used, but these assumptions can be fine-tuned as more information is available. It is important to select a type of energy modeling that is useful and appropriate for the given phase of the project.

2. Available Financing: NSTAR and National Grid have incentive programs that will cover 50% of the cost of energy modeling for a project, and can also offer a significant amount for use in implementing energy conservation measures. A lot of funding is available, and we should find ways of helping our clients save energy costs through these programs.
3. Feedback Loop: The more information we can gather on the actual energy performance of buildings, the better our models will be in the future. Tools for obtaining feedback include appropriate energy metering, and commissioning during design and construction. Monitoring and benchmarking of building energy use, such as is currently done by Energy Star Portfolio Manager, may become mandatory in the future.

Let’s harness the power of energy modeling, explore financial incentives from the utility companies, and find ways of gathering data on our projects that will enhance our ability to design even higher performing buildings in the future!

Greta Eckhardt, March 14, 2013

Greata, I agree with you. This is indeed a good initiative to focus on building energy modeling in MA. I am sure this will open up new avenues for green building supporting communities out there. We welcome this initiative related to building energy modeling. 🙂

Sunny Marks, April 3, 2013


