We have so much to be thankful for this year. 2020 has been the year that challenged us all to strengthen and redefine our bonds in every way imaginable, with each other and with the communities we serve and work within. We are thankful for our families, and this year, more than any other, has celebrated the importance of families: our family at home, at work, and as an extension of work, our client family.
This year has made us acutely aware and appreciative of our clients. With a practice that focuses predominantly on healthcare and science, we are immeasurably grateful for who our clients are and what they do. The healthcare workers who have been steadfastly battling COVID-19 on the frontlines. The scientists who are relentlessly researching treatments and developing testing, protocols and vaccines to help us all toward returning to a sense of normalcy. It is an honor to work with such intelligent and impassioned individuals, to watch them do their work and to work side-by-side on projects that are making such significant contributions to our society.
We are fortunate to work with these clients, and they have helped us all, our individual families and our wonderful extended PAYETTE family, adapt to challenges and rise to the occasion – and we are all stronger for it. And for this we are grateful.