PAYETTE is excited to announce our sixth annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service. PAYETTE recognizes the importance of supporting our greater community through civic engagement. January may seem far away, but we are committed to thoughtfully planning a sixth successful year of community engagement, by offering our professional skills to make a positive impact through design excellence.

On the Day of Service, PAYETTE donates the time of approximately one-third of the staff for one workday to community focused initiatives. Leading up to the Day of Service, PAYETTE staff will work with stakeholders from selected organizations in a collaborative design process tailored to their mission. The PAYETTE design team will then iterate through ideas and generate design solutions during a day-long charette. The final deliverable is presented to the Community Partners at the end of January. This exchange of knowledge benefits both PAYETTE and the community partners by constructing a deeper understanding of our neighborhood through thoughtful conversations and in-depth explorations, documented with professional deliverables.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 15, 2024
Participation will be in person or remote/hybrid, as determined by project teams and community partners.
Proposals received by November 17, 2023 will be reviewed and four to six projects will be selected by the Day of Service organizers. Each project will then be assigned a team from the PAYETTE staff. Each team will have a project lead responsible for working with the community partners to coordinate scope definition, identify deliverables and follow up after the Day of Service.
Submission forms and details can be found here.
Following the Day of Service, teams will complete and deliver work products to their partners. The project teams and community partners will also be asked to participate in a follow-up survey to evaluate the experience and impact of the day.
September 29: Request for Proposals Issued
November 17: Project Proposals Due
November 29: Notification of Selected Community Partners
First week of December: First Project Meeting
First week of January: Second Project Meeting
January 15: Day of Service
January 16-31: PAYETTE Volunteers Complete Final Deliverables
February 3: Final Presentations *
February 10: Project Evaluation by Community Partner Due
* Subject to change – date will be established with all community partners in January.
Related Links:
MLK Day of Service 2023 Recap